Mandatory National Service – Top 3 Pros and Cons

AmeriCorps members working in Detroit, Michigan
Source: Michigan Community Service Commission, "AmeriCorps Urban Condom Programme," (accessed Apr. 25, 2019)
  • Overview
  • Pro/Con Arguments
  • Give-and-take Questions
  • Take Activity

Mandatory national service (also called compulsory service) is a requirement that people serve in the military or complete other works of service. Modern propositions for compulsory service envision that immature Americans could bring together the war machine or do civilian projects such as instruction in low-income areas, helping intendance for the elderly, or maintaining infrastructure, among other ideas. [2]

Proposals in the United States to implement compulsory trace back to the 1800s. More recently, between 2003 and 2013, old United states Representative Charles Rangel (D-NY) fabricated five unsuccessful attempts to pass theUniversal National Service Act, which would have required all people in the Us between ages 18 and 42 to either serve in the armed forces or perform civilian service related to national defense. [one] [34]

The Us armed forces draft, created during the Civil War, is 1 type of mandatory national service. However, although all male US citizens ages xviii to 25 must register with the Selective Service, the United States has an all-volunteer army and hasn't drafted men into the military since 1973 when around 2.2 million men were drafted into the armed services during the Vietnam War.[35] [36] [37]

Public opinion on mandatory national service is split up: 49% favored one twelvemonth of required service for immature Americans in a 2017 poll, while 45% were opposed. Among adults ages 18 to 29, who would be required to complete the service, 39% were for the proposal and 57% were against.[3]

Should the United States Take Mandatory National Service?

Pro i

Mandatory national service would foster unity and bring people from various backgrounds together.

Pew Research tracked an increase in partisan differences from 15 percentage points in 1994 to 36 points in 2017. [4]

Dan Glickman, JD, former Us Representative (D-KS), stated that mandatory service would be a solution to our "current dysfunction" because "National service, exist information technology in the military, Peace Corps, or other public or private sector opportunities, breaks downwards the barriers of race, form, income, geography, and even language. Young adults are granted the opportunity to see their peers and fellow Americans equally a member of their team." [5]

Around 30 countries have compulsory military service. Switzerland, which has four official languages and three major ethnic groups, bridges its divides with a mandatory national service plan. The European nation is identified every bit ane of the happiest countries in the world by the United nations. [half-dozen][seven]

Gene Yaw, JD, Pennsylvania State Senator (R), recommended a 2-year universal public service requirement to promote civility and understanding of what information technology ways to exist an American: "We cannot generate enthusiasm for our way of life when less than 2% of our population has put along whatever effort for our country." [8]

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Pro 2

Compulsory service would save the government money and provide benefits to all citizens.

National service programs are a proven price-constructive method to address critical needs in the country. A study from the Center for Benefit-Cost Studies in Pedagogy plant that youth national service programs in the U.s.a. toll a full of $ billion annually and returned a value of $6.v billion, creating a social benefit of 3.95 times more than than the cost. For every one dollar of taxpayer money spent on youth service programs, over two dollars of savings resulted. [xvi] [17]

The National Park Service estimates that using a civilian conservation corps to maintain national parks saves an average of 65% and equally much equally 87% on backlogged projects. Policy Written report Associates institute that schools that had support from the existing national service plan City Year AmeriCorps were two to three times more likely to see improvements in English and math proficiency amid students. [18] [xix]

AmeriCorps members helped 25,000 unemployed coal miners in Eastern Kentucky find jobs in other industries, and contributed to a 26% subtract in violent offense in Detroit by forming neighborhood watches and escorting kids to school. [xx] [21]

If national service were mandatory, but as jury duty is required of anybody, the number of participants would grow and the resulting benefits would be exponentially higher.

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Pro iii

Performing national service would help young people mature and serve every bit a span to adulthood.

Compulsory service would allow all young people pursue personal evolution before starting college or entering the workforce. 98% of students who took a gap year betwixt high schoolhouse and college reported that the deferment helped them develop as people and 97% said it increased their maturity. Gap year students tend to have GPAs that are .i to .4 higher than their peers. [25] [26]

Paula S. Fass, PhD, History Professor Emerita at the University of California at Berkeley, advocated for 18- to 21-yr-olds to complete two years of service either in the military or in needy communities, maxim, "We know that nosotros as a guild need these services. I would argue that young Americans would be given a sense of maturity and competence by providing them." [27]

Service requirements would benefit America's youth, said Isabel V. Sawhill, PhD, Senior Fellow in Economical Studies at the Brookings Establishment: "Many of today'south young people are floundering. They are uncertain about what they desire to do with their lives. They need a structured opportunity that will allow them to feel needed and capable." [28]

Participants in national service would gain real world skills that volition help them for the residual of their lives. [29]

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Con 1

National service doesn't need to be mandatory because the volunteer system is booming.

28% of millennials have volunteered for a total of 1.5 billion customs service hours annually. [9]

26% of Gen Z said they volunteered, 50% would similar a job in volunteerism, and 10% wanted to beginning their ain nonprofits, every bit of 2017 (when the youngest Gen Z members were toddlers). [39]

Several voluntary civilian service programs already be, such every bit AmeriCorps, Teach for America, and the Peace Corps, in addition to limitless volunteer opportunities throughout the country. [x]

Since AmeriCorps was founded in 1993, over 800,000 participants have completed more than than one billion service hours. Applications outpace funding and capacity: there are 15 qualified would-be volunteers for every available AmeriCorps spot. Forcing more than people to participate would exist difficult. [11] [12][13]

Conscripting people into the military would brand the armed services less efficient. Michael Lind, JD co-founder and fellow at the New America Foundation, stated, "Most members of the military are satisfied with our professional soldiers and exercise not want to baby-sit teenagers who will get out the war machine after six months or ii years of unsought, compulsory training." [14]

Further, 71% of Americans betwixt ages 17 and 24 were ineligible to serve in the armed forces, co-ordinate to 2017 Pentagon data, because of disqualifying factors such every bit obesity, no high school diploma or a criminal record. [twoscore]

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Con two

Mandating national service violates the constitution and would infringe on the freedom to choose what to do with our lives.

The 13th Subpoena to the US Constitution states, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a penalty for criminal offense whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the Us." [22]

While the regime has the dominance to "raise and back up Armies," there is no constitutional basis for compelling citizens to perform public service. [23]

Doug Bandow, JD, lawyer and Senior Swain at the Cato Establish, says, "Mandatory universal national service, at to the lowest degree if legally required and backed past ceremonious or criminal penalties, would fit the definition of involuntary servitude." [1]

Stuart Anderson, Executive Director of the National Foundation for American Policy, stated, "Since people are at present free to live and work where they want, one presumes participation in a National Service Program would be mandatory under the threat of a prison house sentence… a National Service Program that takes 2 years out of the lives of immature people (or others) contravenes the near of import part of America, what has drawn people to its shores for centuries – private liberty." [24]

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Con 3

A mandatory service program would be manipulated by the rich and unfairly impairment others.

Wealthy people have been able to manipulate American institutions for decades, buying their way into elite universities and avoiding the military draft. A national service plan would be similarly exploited. [30] [31]

Conor Friedersdorf, staff writer at The Atlantic, said that compulsory service programs "will be gamed by the wealthy, the well-continued, the folks with the social capital letter to effigy out how things work — and national service volition be fix in a way that serves their ends and reflects their values and preferences."[32]

A menstruum of mandatory service could be a hardship for families and communities that would lose their young people who are already performing service by contributing to the household income, babysitting for neighbors, or caring for sick relatives. Compulsory service would delay people'southward entry into the workforce, resulting in significant lost earnings for some. [33] [34]

"Retrieve of the aspiring athlete or entertainer who has only so many years in her prime, the talented coder who might take to pass up a large market opportunity or the young worker who cannot take a twelvemonth off from helping to feed his family unit," the Washington Post Editorial Board noted. [xiii]

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Discussion Questions

ane. Should the Usa have mandatory national service? Why or why not?

2. If you had to complete mandatory national service, what sort of service would y'all like to enroll in? Explain your reply(s).

3. Should military service exist mandatory? Explain your reply.

Take Action

1. Analyze the arguments from Lilliana Mason and Eric Liu in favor of mandatory national service.

2. Explore the argue via readers' letters to America: The Jesuit Review.

three. Consider Doug Bandow's arguments against mandatory national service.

4. Consider how you felt about the effect before reading this article. After reading the pros and cons on this topic, has your thinking inverse? If so, how? List two to three ways. If your thoughts have non changed, list two to iii ways your better understanding of the "other side of the upshot" at present helps y'all better argue your position.

5. Push for the position and policies yous back up by writing U.s.a. national senators and representatives.


i. Doug Bandow, Mandatory Universal National Service: A Dystopian Vision for a Complimentary Society,", Feb. 21, 2019
2. Thomas Ricks, "Allow's Draft Our Kids,", July 10, 2012
three. Jim Norman, "Half of Americans Favor Mandatory National Service,", Nov. 10, 2017
4. Pew Research Eye, "The Partisan Split up on Political Values Grows Fifty-fifty Wider,", Oct. v, 2017
v. Dan Glickman, "National Service Tin can Unite America,", Oct. 29, 2018
6. Sharon Omondi, "Countries with Mandatory Military machine Service,", Sep. six, 2017
7. The Panetta Found, "The Case for National Service,", July 2017
8. Gene Yaw, "To Unite Us, America Should Require Mandatory Public Service,", Apr. 3, 2018
9. Bill Chappell, "Should Young Americans Exist Required To Practise Public Service? Federal Console Says Maybe,", Jan. 23, 2019
10. Alia E. Dastagir, "Pete Buttigieg Wants a National Service Program. Could It Heal a Divided Country?,", Apr. 17, 2019
11. VolunteerAR, "About AmeriCorps," (accessed Apr. 22, 2019)
12. Associated Press, "National Service Bill Gets Obama'south Signature,", Apr. 21, 2009
13. Washington Postal service Editorial Board, "National Service for Young People Should Be Encouraged — simply Not Required,", Sep. 18, 2016
14. Michael Lind, "No, America Doesn't Need a National Service,", July 10, 2012
15. Nolan Feeney, "Pentagon: seven in 10 Youths Would Fail to Qualify for Armed forces Service," June 29, 2014
xvi. John Hickenlooper, "Invest in What Works: National Service,", Nov. 2, 2017
17. Clive Belfield, "The Economical Value of National Service,", Sep. 2013
eighteen. Joseph Gersen, "Senate Hearing 113-82,", July 25, 2013
19. Policy Studies Associates, "Study Overview Analysis of the Impacts of City Year'south Whole School Whole Kid Model on Partner Schools' Operation,", 2015
20. Stanley McChrystal, "Every American Should Serve For Ane Yr," fourth, June 20, 2017
21. Michigan Community Service Committee, "AmeriCorps Urban Safety Program," (accessed Apr. 22, 2019)
22. Editors, "13th Amendment,", Apr. 15, 2019
23. Ilya Somin, "Why Mandatory National Service is Both Unjust and Unconstitutional,", Oct. 19, 2018
24. Stuart Anderson, "Mandatory 'National Service' for New York Times Columnists,", Jan. 31, 2012
25. Nina Hoe, "American Gap Association National Alumni Survey,", May 2, 2016
26. Bob Clagett, "Bob Clagett on Taking a Gap Twelvemonth,", Mar. xx, 2013
27. Paula S. Fass, "Immature Americans Demand Required National Service,", Mar. ii, 2016
28. Isabel V. Sawhill, "It'southward Time to Make National Service a Universal Commitment,", November. xxx, 2017
29. Lawrence White, "The Case for Mandatory National Service,", Mar. 3, 2014
30. Libby Nelson, "The Real Higher Admissions Scandal Is What's Legal,", Mar. 12, 2019
31. Nick Visser, "John McCain Slams Wealthy Draft Dodgers in Apparent Swipe at Trump,", October. 23, 2017
32. Conor Friedersdorf, "The Example Against Universal National Service,", June 26, 2013
33. Randi Hjalmarsson and Matthew Lindquist, "What Are the Effects of Mandatory Military Conscription on Crime and the Labour Marketplace?,", Apr. 2, 2016
34. GovTrack, "H.R. 5741 (111th): Universal National Service Human activity,", Feb. 3, 2013
35. Editors, "Conscription,", Aug. 21, 2018
36. Andrew Drinking glass, "U.South. Armed forces Draft Ends, Jan. 27, 1973,", Jan. 27, 2012
37. Sean Mclain Chocolate-brown, "Should the United States Reinstate the Typhoon?,", May 17, 2018
38. Rwanda Governance Board, "Impact Assessment of Umuganda 2007-2016,", Oct. 2017
39., "Gen Z: The Next Generation of Donors," (accessed July eight, 2021)
40. Kim Strong, "71% of Immature People Are Ineligible for the Military — and Most Careers, Likewise,"