
How To Integrate Web Services In Salesforce

In this blog mail service we talk about what is Integration? and how to integrate with external apps using Apex REST and SOAP services. We will also comprehend some Salesforce integration interview questions and Apex Integration Services.

If yous want to learn about Getting data out of Salesforce in near-realtime and then check this post. In thats session we covered the on the platform pick like Outbound bulletin, Apex Callouts, Salesforce connect and Off platform option like heroku Connect, Steaming Api, Change Data Capture, Polling.

What is Integration?

Integration is a process of connecting ii or more applications. Enterprise system uses many applications, many or most of which are not designed to work with one another out of the box. Each application can have information, business logic, presentation, and security layers, all of which are possible targets for integration.

We did i session in Apex hours. In that session we covered the Basic of Integration in Salesforce. Here is agenda which covered in that session

  • Spider web Communication Fundamentals
  • Understanding REST Vs Soap
  • Message Exchange Formats – XML & JSON
  • Performing Callouts to External Services
    • HTTP Request & HTTP Response
  • Q & A

What Are the Integration Capabilities of Existing Systems?

  • Can the system brand Soap- or REST-based callouts?
    • Apex Custom Web services (SOAP, REST)
    • Salesforce APIs (east.k., SOAP, Balance)
  • Does the organization provide Spider web services? If so, what functionality is exposed?
    • Apex Callouts (SOAP, Residual)
  • What type of hallmark mechanisms are used in your environment? Does the arrangement support SAML? OAuth?
    • Salesforce Identity (SAML, OpenId Connect, OAuth, Identity Management)
  • Can the system be customized?
    • Salesforce Platform Canvas
    • Outbound messaging

What is webservices?

Web service is a standardized medium to propagate communication between the client and server applications on the Www. Web services provide a common platform that allows multiple applications built on various programming languages to take the ability to communicate with each other.

Webservices is a functionality or lawmaking which helps to the states to practise integration. Web services are open standard (XML, Soap, HTTP, etc.) based spider web applications that interact with other spider web applications for the purpose of exchanging data.

Blazon of Spider web Service

There are mainly two types of web services.

  • Lather web services.
  • RESTful web services.

What is difference between Soap and Rest?

Here is difference between Soap and REST API.

Relies on Soap protocol Relies on Residue compages using HTTP
Transports data in XML Transports information in JSON or XML
Highly structured/ typed Less structured? Less bulky data
Handles large data loads Works well with JavaScript
Designed with large enterprise application in heed Designed with mobile devices in mind

Difference between JSON Vs XML ?

Here is some divergence betweek JSON and XML. Check this mail for more detail.

JavaScript Object Annotation has a type similar String, number, Object, Boolean Extensible markup language is type less, and should be string
It is a way of representing objects It is a markup language and uses tag structure to correspond data items
Retrieving value is easy Retrieving value is difficult
Information technology does non provide any support for namespaces. It supports namespaces.
Information technology is less secured It is more secure than JSON
Guidelines: Key – Enclosed in double Quotes(Cord) Value – Can be whatever datatype {} – Object [] – Array , – Separates information chemical element within Object Guidelines: Element – <lastname>hours</lastname> Element Definition: <xs:element name="lastname" type="xs:cord"/> Attribute – <lastname lang="EN">Smith</lastname> Attribute Definition – <xs:attribute name="lang" type="xs:string"/>

Cheque this recording to learn near Basic of Integration in Salesforce

What all Integration option are available in Salesforce?

There are lots of Integration option are available in Salesforce. Some of the are below.

API Proper name Protocol Information Format Advice
REST API Residual JSON, XML Synchronous
SOAP API Soap (WSDL) XML Synchronous
Chatter Remainder API Residual JSON, XML Synchronous (photos are processed asynchronously)
Analytics REST API Remainder JSON, XML Synchronous
Majority API REST CSV, JSON, XML Its Asynchronous. Handle large data loads
with batching.
Metadata API SOAP (WSDL) XML Asynchronous. Think, deploy, and alter metadata.
Streaming API Bayeux JSON Asynchronous. Push notifications from Salesforce to
subscribing applications/entities
(replaces polling).
Apex Residue API REST JSON, XML, Custom Synchronous
Apex Lather API Lather (WSDL) XML Synchronous
Tooling API Build custom evolution tools
for Salesforce platform applications

What is Balance API ?

  • Representational Country Transfer is a style of software architecture for distributed hypermedia systems.
  • Residue API has a lightweight request and response framework
  • Simple, like shooting fish in a barrel to utilise and powerful spider web service based on RESTful principles.
  • Expose functionality via REST resources and HTTP methods.
  • (Crud) records, search or query your data, retrieve object metadata, and access information about limits in your org.
  • Remainder API supports both XML and JSON.
  • Mobile and Web apps
  • Rest resource is referenced using URI, abstraction of information, admission using HTTP methods

Basic of REST API, HTTP Method, Calling YouTube REST API from Salesforce

How to Integrate External Service with Salesforce?

  • Standard REST API (Cheque this postal service to acquire more)
  • Custom Balance API (Check this to acquire more)

Integration in Salesforce using Residue API | Standard REST API | Noon Remainder API | POSTMAN

If you lot desire to acquire most how to telephone call Apex Class from Postman cheque beneath recording. Hither is footstep by stride process Exam Salesforce Api by postman Remainder Client.

We did 1 more session in Apex hours and covered all below topics.

  • External Service Callins to Salesforce
  • Salesforce Vs Apex REST
  • SOAP Callins using WebMethods
  • Enterprise & Partner WSDL
  • Q & A

What is SOAP API ?

  • Awarding layer protocol used to exchange structured information between systems
  • It uses a Spider web Services Clarification Linguistic communication (WSDL) file to rigorously define the parameters for accessing data through the API.
  • Lather API supports XML just.
  • Considering SOAP API uses the WSDL file as a formal contract betwixt the API and consumer, it's slap-up for writing server-to-server integrations.
  • Access to Salesforce data and business logic
  • Handles medium data volumes
  • Updates multiple records with single

What is WSDL ?

WSDL (Web Services Description Language) is an XML certificate that describes a web service. At that place are two types of WSDL in  Salesforce:

  • Enterprise WSDL
  • Partner WSDL

What is SoapUI ?

soapUI is a costless open-source desktop application targeted for developers and testers.
−RESTful Web Services (used by the Bulk API)
−SOAP-based Web Services

With soapUI y'all tin Inspect, invoke, and develop Web Services and Perform functional, load, and compliance testing of Web Services.

Setup SoapUI to Test Salesforce Webservice

What is difference between Enterprise WSDL and Partner WSDL?

Here is difference between Enterprise WDSL and Partner WDSL.

Enterprise WDSL Partner WSDL
Strongly Typed Loosely Typed
Tied to a specific configuration of Salesforce Useful for whatever configuration of Salesforce
Changes if custom field or custom objects are added to your arrangement Does not changes if custom field or custom objects are added to an system' Salesforce configuration

Integrating with Salesforce using SOAP API | Enterprise & Partner WSDL


Check this post to know about SOAP Vs Remainder API.

Integration Patterns

In salesforce nosotros take welcome Integration patterns.

" Remote Procedure Invocation—Request and Reply " : Salesforce invokes a process on a remote system, waits for completion of that process, and and then tracks state based on the response from the remote system.

" Remote Process Invocation—Burn down and Forget " : Salesforce invokes a process in a remote organisation merely doesn't wait for completion of the process. Instead, the remote process receives and acknowledges the request and then hands off command back to Salesforce.

" Batch Data Synchronization " : Data stored in Lightning Platform is created or refreshed to reflect updates from an external organisation, and when changes from Lightning Platform are sent to an external organization. Updates in either direction are done in a batch manner.

" Remote Phone call-In " : Data stored in Lightning Platform is created, retrieved, updated, or deleted past a remote system.

" UI Update Based on Data Changes " : The Salesforce user interface must be automatically updated as a result of changes to Salesforce data.

"Data Virtualization " : Salesforce accesses external data in real time. This removes the need to persist data in Salesforce and and so reconcile the data betwixt Salesforce and the external system

Please beneath recording to learn about. Salesforce Integration Patterns & Best Practices.

Further learning

  • Platform Consequence
  • OAuth Concepts.
  • Execute API from Workbench.


Amit Chaudhary


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